Diana Almeida's Email Address and Phone Number

Senior Research Technologist (PET) at Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute

Diana Almeida is a(n) Senior Research Technologist (PET) working at Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute.

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Other employees at Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute

VGVasileios Georgiadis @man…c.uk0161  Get contact
PCPedro Chan @man…c.uk0161  Get contact
RKRachel Kenyon
Business Engagement ManagerThe University of Manchester
 @man…c.uk0161  Get contact
SRSaq Rasul
Head of Integrated Business Engagement & Special ProjectsThe University of Manchester
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AKAmir Keshmiri
Head of Business Engagement (Faculty of Science and Engineering)The University of Manchester
 @man…c.uk0161  Get contact
D(Dr (She/Her)
Senior Engagement ManagerThe University of Manchester
 @man…c.uk0161  Get contact
JHJocelyne Haddad
Marketing & BD Manager - Middle East CentreThe University of Manchester
 @man…c.uk0161  Get contact
KNKhalid Nadvi
Professor of International DevelopmentThe University of Manchester
 @man…c.uk0161  Get contact
SISaurav Islam @man…c.uk0161  Get contact
JTJulian Thomas
Professor of ArchaeologyThe University of Manchester
 @man…c.uk0161  Get contact
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