Pacemar Email Format


Company Profile

Pacemar is a Offices of Holding Companies, Not Elsewhere Classified company. Pacemar SIC code is 6719 and NAICS code is 551112.

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1506 employees

Pacemar Employees

PBPeter Biro
 @dfds.comGet contact
SBStefan Bogdanovic
Frontend DeveloperDFDS
 @dfds.comGet contact
FPFuat Pamukcu
Vice President Sales, Marketing, Business Development and StrategyDFDS
 @dfds.comGet contact
KTKenneth Tange
Marketing Director & Head of B2B MarketingDFDS
 @dfds.comGet contact
JDJenny Dufke Get contact
TSTorben Sorth
rederiassistentDFDS Get contact
AGAntoine Guegan
Lieutenant / Troisième Mécanicien / Officier PolyvalentDFDS Get contact
JJJesper Jorgensen
2nd EngineerDFDS Get contact
HHHanne Hallstrom
HR CoordinatorDFDS Get contact
AUAigars Urtans
Office/Sales senior managerDFDS Get contact
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