Cynthia Roomes's Email Address and Phone Number

Fundraising & Development Manager at The Diana Award

Cynthia Roomes is a(n) Fundraising & Development Manager working at The Diana Award.

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Other employees at The Diana Award

NDNaomi Dixon @dia… 2 Get contact
PCPaul Cartwright @dia… 2 Get contact
CMConor Monk
Anti-Bullying Project CoordinatorThe Diana Award
 @dia… 2 Get contact
DGDanielle Gourlay
Mentoring Project CoordinatorThe Diana Award
 @dia… 2 Get contact
SHSteve Hallam
Fundraising and Development ManagerThe Diana Award
 @dia… 2 Get contact
LBLouisa Bartolo
Anti-Bullying Project ManagerThe Diana Award
 @dia… 2 Get contact
PCPip Christie
Digital Communications OfficerThe Diana Award
 @dia… 2 Get contact
ECEleanor Cooper
Mentoring Programme ManagerThe Diana Award
 @dia… 2 Get contact
JEJonathan Ellicott
Anti-Bullying Project CoordinatorThe Diana Award
 @dia… 2 Get contact
LHLauren Hart
Mentoring Youth FacilitatorThe Diana Award
 @dia… 2 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 23 results

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NMNina Markham-Bew
Regional Fundraising & Development ManagerRainbow Trust Children's Charity
 @rai… 1 Get contact
ALAntonella Leone-Giamei
Fundraising & Development ManagerLupus Foundation of America, Inc. Get contact
LBLana Bambridge
Fundraising Development ManagerLeuchie House
 @leu…g.ukGet contact
LTLiz Treanor
Fundraising Development ManagerStroke Association
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DRDonna Rendell
Fundraising Development ManagerRSPCA WA
 @rsp… 8 Get contact
JLJoanna Lamb
Regional Fundraising Development ManagerThe Children's Society
 @chi…g.ukGet contact
Displaying 10 of 10 results