Cristina Ochoa's Email Address and Phone Number

Assistant Director, Admissions Marketing at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Cristina Ochoa is a(n) Assistant Director, Admissions Marketing working at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

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Other employees at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business

LSLisa Stefanac @kse….comGet contact
PRPrabhakar Reddy
Distinguished Executive In ResidenceThe University of Chicago Booth School of Business
 @mot….comGet contact
SGSusan Guibert
Executive Director, Communications and Media RelationsThe University of Chicago Booth School of Business
 @chi….edu(773) Get contact
WLWendy Lu
Recruitment and Admissions AssistantThe University of Chicago Booth School of Business
 @chi….edu(773) Get contact
JMJen Mihalek
Associate Director, Dean's Advisory Board Engagement (Office of Advancement)The University of Chicago Booth School of Business
 @chi….edu(773) Get contact
AKAndrei Kovrijnykh @chi….edu(773) Get contact
SHSarah Hetherington @chi….edu(773) Get contact
JFJilian Fenton @chi….edu(773) Get contact
ABAlexandra Batty
Associate Director, Marketing and CommunicationsThe University of Chicago Booth School of Business
 @chi….edu(773) Get contact
RGRitika Gaur @chi….edu(773) Get contact
Displaying 10 of 748 results

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Assistant Director, Admissions Marketing and CommunicationsSalem State University
 @sal….edu(978) Get contact
ESElizabeth Seidenstricker
Senior Assistant Director, Admissions MarketingThe University of Chicago Booth School of Business
 @chi….edu(773) Get contact
VKValerie Kennedy
Senior Assistant Director, Admissions Marketing and PublicationsUniversity of San Diego, School of Leadership and Education Sciences
 @san….edu(619) Get contact
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