Corecivic Inc. Email Format


Company Profile

Corecivic Inc. is a Real Estate Investment Trusts company. Corecivic Inc. SIC code is 6798 and NAICS code is 531110.

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United States
16183 employees

Corecivic Inc. Employees

DRDenise Rodriguez
Monitor 1CoreCivic
 @cor….comGet contact
CCCole Carter
General CounselCoreCivic
 @cor….comGet contact
RGRich Guerrero
Case ManagerCoreCivic
 @cor….comGet contact
NTNick Tompkins
Managing Director Talent Acquisition and ComplianceCoreCivic
 @cor….comGet contact
BEBen Elrod
Vice President, Human ResourcesCoreCivic
 @cor….comGet contact
ACApril Crimbley
 @cor….comGet contact
HCHeather Christmas
Executive Assistant to the EVP/ Chief Development OfficerCoreCivic
 @cor….comGet contact
RJRalph Jr.
Captain/Shift SupervisorCoreCivic
 @cor….comGet contact
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