Concorde Career Colleges Inc. Email Format


Company Profile

Concorde Career Colleges Inc. is a Vocational Schools, Not Elsewhere Classified company. Concorde Career Colleges Inc. SIC code is 8249 and NAICS code is 611519.

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United States
Shawnee Mission
983 employees

Concorde Career Colleges Inc. Employees

KPKevin Prehn
Regional Vice President Of OperationsConcorde Career Colleges
 @con….edu+1 (8 Get contact
MWMike Wimer
Sr. VP of Marketing and AdmissionsConcorde Career Colleges
 @con….edu+1 (8 Get contact
PCPeter Cropper
Marketing Communications SpecialistConcorde Career Colleges
 @con….edu+1 (8 Get contact
JCJohn Carreon
General Counsel and Chief Compliance OfficerConcorde Career Colleges
 @con….edu+1 (8 Get contact
CECathy Ed.d
Career Success CoachConcorde Career Colleges
 @con….edu+1 (8 Get contact
JFJami Frazier
President and COOConcorde Career Colleges
 @con….edu+1 (8 Get contact
LKLee Kelly
Director of AdmissionsConcorde Career Colleges
 @con….edu+1 (8 Get contact
CCCliff Custer
Director of AdmissionsConcorde Career Colleges
 @con….edu+1 (8 Get contact
ARAbner Ruiz
Financial Aid Cash Management Specialist (Corporate)Concorde Career Colleges
 @con….edu+1 (8 Get contact
JFJuli Fisher
Chief Financial OfficerConcorde Career Colleges
 @con….edu+1 (8 Get contact
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