Cohnreznick Llp Email Format


Company Profile

Cohnreznick Llp is a Accounting, Auditing, and Bookkeeping Services company. Cohnreznick Llp SIC code is 8721 and NAICS code is 541211.

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United States
New York
2800 employees

Cohnreznick Llp Employees

DGDanielle Gallo
IT Director of Business SolutionsCohnReznick LLP
 @coh….comGet contact
BSBrian Shepherd
National Director, IT Service and Support CohnReznick LLP
 @coh….comGet contact
KMKristena Mcbride
People and Culture ManagerCohnReznick LLP
 @coh….comGet contact
SRSheslie Royster
Tax PartnerCohnReznick LLP
 @coh….com(212) Get contact
RMRob Mclemore
Administrative AssistantCohnReznick LLP
 @coh….com(212) Get contact
CIChristopher Ivans @coh….com(212) Get contact
SSSteven Schenkel @coh….com(212) Get contact
AFArthur Filcman @coh….com(212) Get contact
AFAlex Franks
Tax Senior ManagerCohnReznick LLP
 @coh….com(212) Get contact
OAOmar Ahmad
Audit AssociateCohnReznick LLP
 @coh….com(212) Get contact
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