Clement Vela's Email Address and Phone Number

IT/Data Coordinator at Spokane Tribe of Indians

Clement Vela is a(n) IT/Data Coordinator working at Spokane Tribe of Indians.

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Other employees at Spokane Tribe of Indians

MPMonica Peone
Newspaper Manager/EditorSpokane Tribe of Indians
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AFAlex Flett
Head start programSpokane Tribe of Indians
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RKRobin Kennedy
Technology Advancement OfficerSpokane Tribe of Indians
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JFJason Flett
Lead Youth CoordinatorSpokane Tribe of Indians
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CMClyde Mccoy
Tribal Employment Rights DirectorSpokane Tribe of Indians
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WSWarren Seyler
STOI DNR Internship / BPA Coordination managerSpokane Tribe of Indians
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PGPhyllis Grant
mental health therapistSpokane Tribe of Indians
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FBFawn Brigman @spo….com(509) Get contact
RBRachelle Bradley @spo….com(509) Get contact
CCColton Cummings
Customer ServiceSpokane Tribe of Indians
 @spo….com(509) Get contact
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