Education Management Consultant and former President of the Association of Colleges at Association of Colleges
Chris Morecroft is a(n) Education Management Consultant and former President of the Association of Colleges working at Association of Colleges.
Get Chris Morecroft's email for freeName | Position | Contacts | ||
LO | Lauren O'sullivan | National Football Development ManagerAoC Create | | Get contact |
RA | Rachel Almeida | Head of Events and SponsorshipAoC Create | | Get contact |
CW | Cara Watson | Events ManagerAoC Create | | Get contact |
NH | Nick Hawkins | National Football Development AdministratorAoC Create | | Get contact |
CO | Claire O'donovan | Recruitment Manager (Interim Management), Education Recruitment, Executive SearchAoC Create | | Get contact |
SW | Stephanie Wens | Training and Development ExecutiveAoC Create | | Get contact |
CF | Claudia Fragapane | Events CoordinatorAoC Create | | Get contact |
HJ | Harpreet Jossan | Senior Recruitment ManagerAoC Create | @aoc… | Get contact |
PS | Peter Stewart | National Programme LeadAoC Create | | Get contact |
JJ | Jo Johnston | Managing Director (AoC Create)AoC Create | @aoc… | Get contact |