Charissa He's Email Address and Phone Number

Marketing and Communications Assistant Manager at Komoco Motors Pte Ltd

Charissa He is a(n) Marketing and Communications Assistant Manager working at Komoco Motors Pte Ltd.

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Other employees at Komoco Motors Pte Ltd

GRGünter Rosskopp
Customer Relations ManagerHyundai Motor Europe
 @hyundai.com069 2 Get contact
NSNiels Svaerke
Head Of Customer Experience Innovation (Digitalization)Hyundai Motor Europe
 @hyundai.com069 2 Get contact
HBHarald Bayer-Menning
Head of Service Marketing & Business DevelopmentHyundai Motor Europe
 @hyundai.com069 2 Get contact
PBPriyanka Bhambri @hyundai.comGet contact
HMHyundai Motors @hyundai.comGet contact
EKEfi K. @hyundai.com069 2 Get contact
APAbishek Pandith @hyundai.comGet contact
PAPavan Allenki
Marketing ManagerHyundai Motor India Ltd.
 @hyundai.comGet contact
ZKZayong Koo
Senior Vice President / Head of Investor Relations (IR)Hyundai Motor Company (현대자동차)
 @hyundai.comGet contact
ASAnas Siddiqui
National Manager Marketing StrategyMohamed Yousuf Naghi Motors Hyundai
 @hyundai.comGet contact
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