Chantal Schipper's Email Address and Phone Number

e-Learning coordinator at Capel Manor College

Chantal Schipper is a(n) e-Learning coordinator working at Capel Manor College.

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Other employees at Capel Manor College

MGMalcolm G. contact
IOIngrid O'neill
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PRPravashini Ramsamy
Short courses and assessment centre coordinatorCapel Manor College 8 Get contact
PHPeter Hearn
Examinations OfficerCapel Manor College 8 Get contact
DBDavid Boyer
Business Development ManagerCapel Manor College 8 Get contact
ASAdam Sarfas
Deputy Head of Arboriculture and Countryside / NPTC assessor LANTRA instructor (Ground based)Capel Manor College 8 Get contact
SHSarah Hort
Head of School - Horticulture & LandscapingCapel Manor College 8 Get contact
SMSarah Mbe
Head of SchoolCapel Manor College 8 Get contact
GLGavin Leonard 8 Get contact
HBHelen Bensted-Smith 8 Get contact
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