Champlain College Email Format


Company Profile

Champlain College is a Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools company. Champlain College SIC code is 8221 and NAICS code is 611310.

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United States
10 employees

Champlain College Employees

DSDiane Soboski
Director of AdmissionsChamplain College
 @cha….eduGet contact
ITIan Treu
Flex Space ManagerChamplain College
 @sus….comGet contact
BMBrad Martin
Senior Transfer Credit & Test Out Coordinator - CCOChamplain College
 @cha….eduGet contact
MTMolly Tuthill
Assistant Director, Strategic Engagement, Champlain College OnlineChamplain College
 @cha….eduGet contact
MNMarianna Nowacki
Digital Marketing SpecialistChamplain College
 @cha….eduGet contact
DBDr. Bunders
Vice PresidentChamplain College
 @cha….eduGet contact
CNCharlie Nagelschmidt
Professor of Management & Entrepreneurship (retired)Champlain College
 @cha….eduGet contact
THTanja Hinterstoisser
Director, Career Collaborative for Emerging Talent and Employer AlliancesChamplain College
 @cha….eduGet contact
SWSusan Waryck
Dean of StudentsChamplain College
 @cha….eduGet contact
SKStephanie Kloss
Director of MediaChamplain College
 @cha….eduGet contact
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