Carly Townsend's Email Address and Phone Number

Acting Head of Media and Marketing (Currently on maternity leave) at The Bluecoat

Carly Townsend is a(n) Acting Head of Media and Marketing (Currently on maternity leave) working at The Bluecoat.

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Other employees at The Bluecoat

MMMarie-Anne Mcquay
Head of ProgrammeThe Bluecoat
 @the… 1 Get contact
MBMonelle Bradshaw
Volunteer / Gallery InvigilatorThe Bluecoat
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GMGail Mortimore
Finance ManagerThe Bluecoat
 @the… 1 Get contact
LYLaura Yates
Participation ManagerThe Bluecoat
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CECathal Elliott
A/V techincianThe Bluecoat
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KMKerry Milton
Development OfficerThe Bluecoat
 @the… 1 Get contact
RGRebecca Glover
VolunteerThe Bluecoat
 @the… 1 Get contact
SMSharon Mutch
Photographic ArtistThe Bluecoat
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FGFrances Gill
Gallery OfficerThe Bluecoat
 @the… 1 Get contact
APAntony Pickthall
Head of MarketingThe Bluecoat
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