Brian Owen's Email Address and Phone Number

CEO and President at Cambridge Semantics Inc.

Brian Owen is a(n) CEO and President working at Cambridge Semantics Inc.

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Other employees at Cambridge Semantics Inc.

MBMichael Bartlett
Director of Sales - Financial ServicesCambridge Semantics Inc.
 @cam….com(617) Get contact
JRJohn Rueter
SVP Global Marketing/Chief Marketing OfficerCambridge Semantics Inc.
 @cam….com(617) Get contact
RMRouben Meschian
Founding Software EngineerCambridge Semantics Inc.
 @cam….com(617) Get contact
EDElisa Daly @cam….com(617) Get contact
MGMark Garber @cam….com(617) Get contact
ABAdam Bonnette @cam….com(617) Get contact
ASAdam Sachs
Solutions ArchitectCambridge Semantics Inc.
 @cam….com(617) Get contact
CGCharles Greer
Solutions ArchitectCambridge Semantics Inc.
 @cam….com(617) Get contact
SBSanjay Baronia
Sr Director, Product ManagementCambridge Semantics Inc.
 @cam….com(617) Get contact
RDRob Delsignore
Managing Director, SolutionsCambridge Semantics Inc.
 @cam….com(617) Get contact
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