Brian Owen's Email Address and Phone Number

CEO and President at Cambridge Semantics Inc.

Brian Owen is a(n) CEO and President working at Cambridge Semantics Inc.

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Other employees at Cambridge Semantics Inc.

KGKaran Gupta
Automation and DevOps EngineerCambridge Semantics Inc.
 @cam….com(617) Get contact
ELEugene Linkov
Technical Product ManagerCambridge Semantics Inc.
 @cam….com(617) Get contact
OSOlivier Siegelaar
Senior Field ArchitectCambridge Semantics Inc.
 @cam….com(617) Get contact
DRDave Roberts
Director Of User ExperienceCambridge Semantics Inc.
 @cam….com(617) Get contact
PKPradyumna Kadapa
Senior Software EngineerCambridge Semantics Inc.
 @cam….com(617) Get contact
JYJessamin Yu
VP of Customer SuccessCambridge Semantics Inc.
 @cam….com(617) Get contact
BKBrendon Kellner
Director of Customer SuccessCambridge Semantics Inc.
 @cam….com(617) Get contact
NPNigesh Pugazhendhi
Devops | Cloud | infrastructure engineerCambridge Semantics Inc.
 @cam….com(617) Get contact
HGHelgi Gunnarsson
Senior AccountantCambridge Semantics Inc.
 @cam….com(617) Get contact
BMBrooke Morton @cam….com(617) Get contact
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