Brian Hannigan's Email Address and Phone Number

Vice President of Marketing at Jack Link's Protein Snacks

Brian Hannigan is a(n) Vice President of Marketing working at Jack Link's Protein Snacks.

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Other employees at Jack Link's Protein Snacks

TLTroy Link @jac….comGet contact
JTJessica Tompkins
Strategic Partnership ManagerJack Link's Protein Snacks
 @jac….comGet contact
LMLibby Mura
Senior Vice President, MarketingJack Link's Protein Snacks
 @jac….comGet contact
HHHank Huang @jac….comGet contact
SCScott Carter
Director of Brand MarketingJack Link's Protein Snacks
 @jac….comGet contact
LKLinda Klaus
Supply Chain and Operations Support ManagerJack Link's Protein Snacks
 @pin….comGet contact
PNPatrick Newcomb @jac….comGet contact
ZSZach Sangster
Vice President, Customer Supply ChainJack Link's Protein Snacks
 @jac….comGet contact
SLStephanie Leibke
Sr. Marketing DirectorJack Link's Protein Snacks
 @jac….comGet contact
PIPhillip Iii
Associate Brand Manager - Lorissa's KitchenJack Link's Protein Snacks
 @jac….comGet contact
Displaying 10 of 30 results

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