Brandon Wells's Email Address and Phone Number

Secondary Marketing Manager at LegacyTexas

Brandon Wells is a(n) Secondary Marketing Manager working at LegacyTexas.

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Other employees at LegacyTexas

RPRachel Pluebell
Commercial Collateral SpecialistLegacyTexas
 @leg….com(972) Get contact
JCJoanne Canadahill
Personal Banker IILegacyTexas
 @leg….com(972) Get contact
TBTaylor Burns
Vice PresidentLegacyTexas
 @leg….com(972) Get contact
IPIsrael Pena
Personal Banker IILegacyTexas
 @leg….com(972) Get contact
MDMichael Dombroski
Vice PresidentLegacyTexas
 @leg….com(972) Get contact
JRJarrod Ross
Client ManagementLegacyTexas
 @leg….com(972) Get contact
PMPatti Mckee @leg….com(972) Get contact
PAPamela Austin
Sr. VP Mortgage OperationsLegacyTexas
 @leg….com(972) Get contact
CLChristina Landess
Loan Reconciliation SpecialistLegacyTexas
 @leg….com(972) Get contact
VAVeronica Aguilar @leg….com(972) Get contact
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JSJustin Stow
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DMDavid Menke
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 @cap….com(615) Get contact
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Senior Vice President - Secondary Marketing ManagerNorthwest Bank
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