Blinn College Email Format


Company Profile

Blinn College is a Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools company. Blinn College SIC code is 8221 and NAICS code is 611310.

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United States
2284 employees

Blinn College Employees

RLRos Lederman
Assistant Director for Digital MarketingBlinn College
 @blinn.eduGet contact
CCChristian Cfps
Occupational Safety and Health InstructorBlinn College
 @blinn.eduGet contact
CBCindy Becker
Service Desk and Labs IT ManagerBlinn College
 @blinn.eduGet contact
PSPhil Shackelford
Associate Director of DevelopmentBlinn College
 @blinn.eduGet contact
MCMary Crabb
Assistant Director/FacultyBlinn College
 @blinn.eduGet contact
WJWilliams Joshua
Assistant Director of Student ActivitiesBlinn College
 @blinn.eduGet contact
SHSherri Holder
Assistant to ProvostBlinn College
 @blinn.eduGet contact
JHJohn Harris
Vice President Student ServicesBlinn College
 @blinn.eduGet contact
KBKaren Buck
Vice President - College Administration and OperationsBlinn College
 @blinn.eduGet contact
DYDavid Yeager
Director, Technical EducationBlinn College
 @blinn.eduGet contact
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