Bauer Hockey Corp Email Format


Company Profile

Bauer Hockey Corp is a Sporting and Athletic Goods, Not Elsewhere Classified company. Bauer Hockey Corp SIC code is 3949 and NAICS code is 339920.

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120 employees

Bauer Hockey Corp Employees

MMMary-Kay Messier
Vice President of MarketingBauer Hockey Get contact
PEPhilippe Erhel
Sr Industrial DesignerBauer Hockey Get contact
SMSiva Maradapu
Lead IT Solutions EngineerBauer Hockey Get contact
DBDan Bourgeois
Vice President of Product InnovationBauer Hockey Get contact
KLKaree Lander
Sr Director, Commercial OperationsBauer Hockey Get contact
JSJames Stewart
Senior Supply Chain PlannerBauer Hockey Get contact
HNHemanth Nugur
Business System Analyst SAP AFS (WM,MM,LE,ABAP)Bauer Hockey Get contact
RCRuss Conroy
IS OntarioBauer Hockey Get contact
AGAnthony Gauvin
Industrial DesignerBauer Hockey Get contact
TWTate Westby
Lead Personal Fit ExpertBauer Hockey Get contact
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