Bard College Email Format


Company Profile

Bard College is a Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools company. Bard College SIC code is 8221 and NAICS code is 611310.

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United States
Annandale On Hudson
957 employees

Bard College Employees

PFPenny Federici
Assistant Director of Marketing for Enrollment ManagementBard College (8 Get contact
CRChiara Ricciardone
National Endowment for the Humanities/Hannah Arendt Center Distinguished Visiting FellowBard College (8 Get contact
DBDavid Blockstein
Project Co-Director, Solve Climate by 2030Bard College (8 Get contact
GMGabrielle Martínez
Office AssistantBard College (8 Get contact
ESEli Shapiro
Research AssociateBard College (8 Get contact
JMJulie Myers
Purchasing DirectorBard College (8 Get contact
MAMaureen Aurigemma
Associate DirectorBard College (8 Get contact
JBJessica Burden
Assistant Director of the Bard College FundBard College (8 Get contact
NDNischal Dhungel
Event StaffBard College (8 Get contact
ECErin Cannan
Vice President for Civic EngagementBard College (8 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 18 results

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