Apple Inc. Email Format


Company Profile

Apple Inc. is a Radio and Television Broadcasting and Communications Equipment company. Apple Inc. SIC code is 3663 and NAICS code is 334220.

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United States
132000 employees

Apple Inc. Employees

GPGregor Prattley
Head of Real Estate, Asia PacificApple Get contact
SFSam Fisher
Global Estimating Lead | RDDMApple Get contact
DCDavid Crite
Facilities ManagementApple Get contact
EFEric Fibrow
Field Supervisor Real Estate and DevelopmentApple Get contact
NBNate Barton
Finance Director (Services)Apple Get contact
RCRoberto Cabrera
Finance, Corporate Real Estate & DevelopmentApple Get contact
GAGrant Appelgren
Senior Financial Analyst, Retail Real Estate & Development/Direct Sourcing/Special ProjectsApple Get contact
SHScott Hoeppner
GEO Lead - AMR West / South and Latin America - Real Estate Develop / Preservation at Apple RetailApple Get contact
DBDenis Boyle
Preservation LeadApple Get contact
RSRobbie Sangha
Global Lead Real Estate and DevelopmentApple Get contact
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