Angela Hook's Email Address and Phone Number

Marketing and Recruitment Officer at University of East Anglia

Angela Hook is a(n) Marketing and Recruitment Officer working at University of East Anglia.

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Other employees at University of East Anglia

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AOAnn Owen
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JHJane Helgesen
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JMJonathan Moore
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SPSarah Pummell
Postgraduate StudentUniversity of East Anglia 1 Get contact
SNSmitha Nair
Lecturer (Assistant Prof) in International Business & StrategyUniversity of East Anglia 1 Get contact
SBSara Binney
Co Director and EditorUniversity of East Anglia 1 Get contact
RDRayna Denison
Senior Lecturer in Film and Television StudiesUniversity of East Anglia 1 Get contact
RKRose Kemmy
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