Andra-Rada Iurian's Email Address and Phone Number

Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at Peninsula Medical School

Andra-Rada Iurian is a(n) Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow working at Peninsula Medical School.

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Other employees at Peninsula Medical School

ACAriel Chapman
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion ManagerUniversity of Plymouth
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EGEloise Grundy
Student AmbassadorUniversity of Plymouth
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Antonio Águila-Carrasco
Lecturer in OptometryUniversity of Plymouth
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GKGenitha Kameswaran
Student OptometristUniversity of Plymouth
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MLMel Landells
Head of Secretariat and EqualityUniversity of Plymouth
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LPLaura Pearson
Digital AssistantUniversity of Plymouth
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NHNichola Hancocks
Clinical Trial ManagerUniversity of Plymouth
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DMDr Magne
Lecturer in Clinical EducationUniversity of Plymouth
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TKTarek Kandil
PART-IME LECTURERPeninsula Medical School
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AHAndrea Hodgkinson @ply… 3 Get contact
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