german teacher at Goethe-Institut e.V.
Anastasiya Gayduk is a(n) german teacher working at Goethe-Institut e.V.
Get Anastasiya Gayduk's email for freeName | Position | Contacts | ||
AH | Anna Hinrichsen | 7 | Get contact | |
EH | Elisabeth Holzlwimmer | SachbearbeiterGoethe-Institut e.V. | 7 | Get contact |
FT | Franziska Telschow | Coordinator for educational relations Southwestern Europe and BelgiumGoethe-Institut e.V. | 7 | Get contact |
JS | Jan Sprenger | Referent für Bildungskooperation Goethe-Institut ChinaGoethe-Institut e.V. | 7 | Get contact |
MM | Maryna Mitiurova | DeutschlehrerGoethe-Institut e.V. | 7 | Get contact |
SC | Saing Chanchamroeun | LehrerGoethe-Institut e.V. | 7 | Get contact |
MB | Michaela Buecheler | Cultural OfficerGoethe-Institut e.V. | 7 | Get contact |
LR | Lisa Ruhwinkel | WebredakteurGoethe-Institut e.V. | 7 | Get contact |
EK | Elias Krossin | PraktikumGoethe-Institut e.V. | 7 | Get contact |
AB | Andrea Bach | Fachbereich BibliothekenGoethe-Institut e.V. | 7 | Get contact |
Name | Position | Contacts | ||
RI | Rayan Idreis | German TeacherGoethe-Institut e.V. | 7 | Get contact |
MK | Matyas Koszegi | German TeacherGoethe-Institut e.V. | 7 | Get contact |
SJ | Shiva Jones | German TeacherGoethe-Institut e.V. | 7 | Get contact |
KW | Katja Wodzinski | German TeacherGoethe-Institut e.V. | 7 | Get contact |
AM | Awaad Mahy | german teacherGoethe-Institut e.V. | 7 | Get contact |
MS | Marc Siemons | german teacherGoethe-Institut e.V. | 7 | Get contact |
NA | Noor Atemadi | German Teacher and translatorCaritas Internationalis | | Get contact |
MP | Margherita Philipp | Maths, economics and German teacherTeach First | @tea… 8 | Get contact |
JC | Julia Citron | French and German TeacherTeach First | @tea… 8 | Get contact |
RM | Rhizlane Mokha | German TeacherGoethe-Institut e.V. | 7 | Get contact |