Amanda Roach's Email Address and Phone Number

Digital Marketing Specialist at Le Creuset

Amanda Roach is a(n) Digital Marketing Specialist working at Le Creuset.

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Other employees at Le Creuset

EGEleonora Goia
Group Digital Marketing ManagerLe Creuset
 @lec….comGet contact
SCStéphane Cartier @lec….comGet contact
RARichard Aldridge
Senior Infrastructure AnalystLe Creuset
 @lec….comGet contact
JWJames Wheeler
Group Chief Information OfficerLe Creuset
 @lec….comGet contact
ABAsh Bari
IT Operations Manager - EMEALe Creuset
 @lec….comGet contact
RCRachel Coffey
Social Marketing ManagerLe Creuset
 @lec….comGet contact
SLSerah Leke-Oyenibi
Salesforce Technical Digital Operations Manager EMEA (Replatform) SFRALe Creuset
 @lec….comGet contact
SLSofia Lunel
Key Account Manager, Partnerships and EventsLe Creuset
 @lec….com(877) Get contact
PLPierre Layre-Cassou
Group IT Business LeadLe Creuset
 @lec….com(877) Get contact
ALAline Lobry
Chargée de Développement RHLe Creuset
 @lec….com(877) Get contact
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