Almaco Group SAS Email Format


Company Profile

Almaco Group SAS is a Ship Building and Repairing company. Almaco Group SAS SIC code is 3731 and NAICS code is 336611.

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La Chapelle-Sur-Erdre
54 employees

Almaco Group SAS Employees

CCClaude Carrere
Galley ExpertALMACO Group Get contact
LDLouis Durand
Project Manager, Marine DivisionALMACO Group Get contact
DPDaniele Penco
DesignerALMACO Group Get contact
GFGuillaume Faysse
VP & CFOALMACO Group Get contact
BWBernd Witthohn
Supervisor FHSALMACO Group Get contact
AGAlexandre Guimas
Designer Food handling systemALMACO Group Get contact
DBDaniel Bjorkqvist
Logistics ManagerALMACO Group Get contact
GFGiovanni Feltrin
Product Expert, Marine DivisionALMACO Group Get contact
JKJoseph Kerebel
VP / New Building MARINE DivisionALMACO Group Get contact
JTJean-Marc Thuillier
superviseurALMACO Group Get contact
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