Allan Hobbins's Email Address and Phone Number

Pipeline Integrity Coordinator at Cenovus Energy

Allan Hobbins is a(n) Pipeline Integrity Coordinator working at Cenovus Energy.

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Other employees at Cenovus Energy

NSNima Safaian
Director - Fundamentals & AnalyticsCenovus Energy
 @cenovus.comGet contact
AKAlmas Kassam
Director, Strategic EngagementCenovus Energy
 @cenovus.comGet contact
RPRobert Peabody @cenovus.comGet contact
NRNorrie Ramsay
Executive Vice President, UpstreamCenovus Energy Get contact
MNMark Nelson
VP, Conventional OperationsCenovus Energy
 @cenovus.comGet contact
KSKam Sandhar
Senior Vice President, Deep BasinCenovus Energy
 @cenovus.comGet contact
MPMike Plettell
Director, Rail and MarineCenovus Energy
 @cenovus.comGet contact
ATAlan Truong
Project Manager / Program and Change CoordinatorCenovus Energy
 @cenovus.comGet contact
RHRobert Hinkel
Chief Operating OfficerHusky Energy
 @cenovus.comGet contact
KTKristine Thompson
Manager, Toledo JV Coordination | Manager, Marketing Services, Compliance and RegulatoryHusky Energy
 @cenovus.comGet contact
Displaying 10 of 2029 results

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DLDerek Leiman
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CHCurtis Hrdlicka
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RSRitchard Stacey
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 @nva….com(403) Get contact
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