Aleka Johnson's Email Address and Phone Number

Marketing student at The University of Akron

Aleka Johnson is a(n) Marketing student working at The University of Akron.

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Other employees at The University of Akron

MDMax Deffenbaugh Get contact
AAAmelia Austin Get contact
RPRobin Pelton
Testing SpecialistThe University of Akron Get contact
BKBrenda Krauss Get contact
MTMichael Taggart
Part-Time InstructorThe University of Akron Get contact
JSJessica Stukel
Graduate AssistantThe University of Akron Get contact
WSWilliam Staiger Get contact
AMAjay Mahajan
Professor of Mechanical EngineeringThe University of Akron Get contact
TLTom Lukach
Professor of Mechanical Engineering TechnologyThe University of Akron Get contact
TFTonia Ferrell
Director, Prospect Development and CampaignsThe University of Akron Get contact
Displaying 10 of 2328 results

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