Akhona Simelane's Email Address and Phone Number

Student Entrepreneur at University of Cape Town

Akhona Simelane is a(n) Student Entrepreneur working at University of Cape Town.

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Other employees at University of Cape Town

FEFatema Esmail
Dermatologist-PhD fellowUniversity of Cape Town
 @uct.ac.za+27 2 Get contact
LBLeigh Breda
Manager: IT Service DeskUniversity of Cape Town
 @uct.ac.za+27 2 Get contact
MTMatthew Townshend @uct.ac.za+27 2 Get contact
MSMehdi Saffari
Assistant LecturerUniversity of Cape Town
 @uct.ac.za+27 2 Get contact
SNSithembiso Ndlovu
Social Work StudentUniversity of Cape Town
 @uct.ac.za+27 2 Get contact
AMAphiwe Masinyana @uct.ac.za+27 2 Get contact
SDSiphiwe Dlamini
Lecturer: MarketingUniversity of Cape Town
 @uct.ac.za+27 2 Get contact
MNMusawenkosi Ndlovu @uct.ac.za+27 2 Get contact
NZNomtha Zokufa
HR Assistant / Admin AssistantUniversity of Cape Town
 @uct.ac.za+27 2 Get contact
CAChristian Akande @uct.ac.za+27 2 Get contact
Displaying 10 of 4241 results

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Marketing Student/EntrepreneurSouthern New Hampshire University
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SSStephanie Sepulveda
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AFAmaury Focant
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