Acacia Corp Email Format


Company Profile

Acacia Corp is a Sheet Metal Work company. Acacia Corp SIC code is 3444 and NAICS code is 332322.

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United States
Mc Kees Rocks
18 employees

Acacia Corp Employees

CHCarl Hayssen @aca….comGet contact
BFBill Freeland @aca….comGet contact
RSRaj Shanmugaraj @aca….comGet contact
FMFran Murphy @aca….comGet contact
ARAlexandra Rich
Controller, General and Technical AccountingAcacia Communications, now part of Cisco
 @aca….comGet contact
JDJoseph D'angelo
Patent and Technology Counsel, DirectorAcacia Communications, now part of Cisco
 @aca….comGet contact
LCLisa Crewe
Director, Corporate Marketing & CommunicationsAcacia Communications, now part of Cisco
 @aca….comGet contact
TWTom Williams
Vice President of MarketingAcacia Communications, now part of Cisco
 @aca….comGet contact
AAArvind Anumula
Senior Analog design engineerAcacia Communications, now part of Cisco
 @aca….comGet contact
PCPipat Chokchaipakdee @aca….comGet contact
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