Aakriti Prasai's Email Address and Phone Number

Research Assistant at NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development

Aakriti Prasai is a(n) Research Assistant working at NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development.

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Other employees at NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development

MWMalina Webb
Manager of Global Career DevelopmentNew York University Shanghai
 @nyu.eduGet contact
JAJozaelle A.
Registered NurseNew York University
 @nyu.eduGet contact
GMGrace Mangum
Adjunct Professor - Digital Analytics, ECommerce, ECommerce Marketing, Search Marketing (SEO/SEM)New York University
 @nyu.eduGet contact
LPLatasha Ph.d.
Postdoctoral ResearcherNew York University
 @nyu.eduGet contact
DGDavid Gonzalez
Assistant Director, Center for Student LifeNew York University
 @nyu.eduGet contact
MVMarni Vassallo
Director of Advising & Student SuccessNew York University
 @nyu.eduGet contact
RARaya Abu-Zahra
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor-Dept of Pediatric DentistryNew York University - College of Dentistry
 @nyu.edu(212) Get contact
KPKarina Popp
Adjunct InstructorNew York University
 @nyu.eduGet contact
GRGarvin Reid
Assistant Director of Career Development CenterNew York University Abu Dhabi
 @nyu.edu02 62 Get contact
KVKelly Vann
Senior Assistant Director of AdmissionsNew York University
 @nyu.eduGet contact
Displaying 10 of 435 results

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YYYe Yuan
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PVPragya Verma
Graduate Research AssistantThe University of Texas at Dallas
 @utd….eduGet contact
SBSamantha Broadhead
Graduate Research AssistantUMass Boston
 @umb.edu617.2 Get contact
SSShpresa Sulollari
Research AssistantFlorida State University
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RSRebecca Smith
Graduate Research Assistant - Substance use and recoveryVirginia Commonwealth University
 @vcu.edu(804) Get contact
皇葉皇榖 葉
Student Research Assistant at IASL LabAcademia Sinica, Taiwan
 @sin…u.twGet contact
RARajavee Arora
Research AssistantUniversity of Bath
 @bath.ac.uk01225 Get contact
SKSaesun Kim
Research AssistantUniversity of Oklahoma
 @ou.eduGet contact
NTNikhil Tadaka @siue.edu(618) Get contact
Displaying 10 of 910 results